Valentine Week List

Valentine Week 2020: Rose Day 2020


Valentine Week 2020

From Tomorrow, the valentine week start, First day of the week is Rose Day in year 2020. Second month of the year is February and valentine week started from 7 Feb and end on 14 Feb on Valentine Day. In this month also called month of Love. In 7 days of love each day different name and so the first day is rose day.

First Day: Rose Day 2020

On 7 February is known as Rose Day. Valentine Day start with Rose fragrance and beauty. On this day, the lovers express their love by giving roses to each other. Love is expressed only with red roses.

Second Day: Propose Day 2020

In this year Valentine week second day is Propose Day, Propose Day is celebrated on 8th of February. If you have great love for someone and want to tell them about this, then without delay, propose them on the occasion.

Third Day: Chocolate Day 2020

In this year Valentine week Third day is Chocolate Day, Chocolate Day is celebrated on 9th of February. Chocolate has an important part of people’s lives. Chocolate is used to express love to someone. On this day, lovers feed each other with chocolate.

Forth Day: Teddy Day 2020

In this year Valentine week forth day is Teddy Day, Teddy Day is celebrated on 10th of February. Like a teddy bear, the heart is also very weak and delicate. On 10 February, each other presents a teddy bear.

Fifth Day: Promise Day 2020

In this year Valentine week fifth day is Promise Day, Promise Day is celebrated on 11th of February. It is harder to love than it is to maintain it. On this day, lovers make a special promise to each other for life.

Sixth Day: Hug Day 2020

In this year Valentine week sixth day is Hug Day, Hug Day is celebrated on 12th of February. It is a day to hug each other and show love.

Seventh Day: Kiss Day 2020

In this year Valentine week seventh day is Kiss Day, Kiss Day is celebrated on 13th of February. To express love without words, a loving kiss is enough for this. Every loving couple express their love by kissing each other.

Last Day: Valentine Day 2020

In this year Valentine week last day is Valentine Day, Valentine Day is celebrated on 14th of February. Even though we express love everyday, it is to celebrate it one day called Valentine Day.

Valentine Week List

Rose Day: Friday, February 7th, 2020
Propose Day: Saturday, February 8th, 2020
Chocolate Day: Sunday, February 9th, 2020
Teddy Day: Monday, February 10th, 2020
Promise Day: Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
Hug Day: Wednesday, February 12th, 2020
Kiss Day: Thursday, February 13th, 2020
Valentine’s Day: Friday, February 14th, 2020

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